About us

 Now that globalization has become the norm, trade is no longer the privilege of large corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises.

 Nowadays, anyone can import and export at any time and in small quantities, bringing Japan closer to the rest of the world than ever before. However, the number of people who are able to negotiate directly with suppliers and customers in South America, as well as visit them, which is essential, is decreasing and our predecessors who have been involved in these activities are facing a generational change.

 In order to solve this problem, PescAL Japan, with more than 30 years of experience living and working in South America, has set out to bring Japan and South America closer together, as close or better than ever.

 We are experts in "Negotiation", "Supplier/Seller Development" and "Quality Inspection" between Japanese importers and Latin American exporters. We would like to help companies that are doing or want to do business with Latin America.

Our Services

・Brokerage business and import/export sales of food products.

Main Countries: Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico
Frozen Fish: Blackbelly rosefish, Giant Squid, Argentine hake, Hoki, Patagonian toothfish, Silver warehou, Red porgy, Horse mackerel, Eel
Crustaceans: Argentine red shrimp, Whiteleg shrimp, Antarctic krill
Others: Olive oil, Fruits

・Product inspection in Latin America

・Brokerage and import/export business outside the Latin America region

・Product processing arrangement in China, Vietnam, etc.

Company Overview
Company name
PescAL Japan K.K.
Corporate Number
302 Rambling Uehara, 1-36-9 Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 151-0064
+81 3-5738-7536
+81 3-5738-7546
5th December 2018
Business Description
Import, export, sales and brokerage of marine and agricultural food products. Trade consulting services.
Capital stock
6 million JPY
Representative Director
Yasuo Hayashi


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Blackbelly rosefish
Helicolenus dactylopterus
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Argentine hake
Merluccius hubbsi
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Giant Squid
Dosidicus gigas
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Argentine red shrimp
Pleoticus muelleri
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White shrimp
Penaeus vannamei
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Patagonian toothfish
Dissostichus eleginoides
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Antarctic krill
Euphausia superba
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Silver warehou
Seriolella punctate
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Macruronus magellanicus
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Red porgy
Pagrus pagrus
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Horse Mackerel
Trachurus murphyi

Blackbelly rosefish

Helicolenus dactylopterus

Argentine hake

Merluccius hubbsi

Giant squid

Dosidicus gigas

Argentine red shrimp

Pleoticus muelleri

White shrimp

Penaeus vannamei



Patagonian toothfish

Dissostichus eleginoides


Antarctic krill

Euphausia superba


Silver warehou

Seriolella punctate


Macruronus magellanicus

Red porgy

Pagrus pagrus

Horse Mackerel

Trachurus murphyi


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